From 12 years old I 27.12-30.12.2024

Bonus 4 – Mental boost Session


Specific session with a sport psychology during 60′

  • Focus on Mental Resilience
  • Focus on a grow mindset
  • Visualization Techniques (Guiding players through mental imagery exercises to prepare for success in matches)
  • Confidence Building
  • Personalized Feedback

Choose options for your Experience

Please select any add-ons to enhance Winter Camp experience by choosing option below. Process for booking:

  1. Get to know and read about the Add-Ons below.
  2. Add Qty on the right side for per Add-On (for example: I would like to have 2x Physical Check-Up sessions, then choose Qty 2).
  3. After choosing options, fill in the Player and Contact information.
  4. Click “Continue Booking”.
How to add Camp for 2 players? It is not possible to add to the same package, but after clicking “Continue Booking”, the Cart will open and click on the middle button “Add Camp for another player” and repeat the process.

Fill in contact Information

Country of Residency *

Would you like to receive Raffle tickets? *

Players will be able to self-finance the cost of the event by requesting 100 tickets at 4 euros each, with no additional cost. Lottery on 12/7/2024.

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